Leadership Team

Leadership Team

The President's Leadership Team


Virginia L. Guleff

Organizational Charts 

Jessica Snelling
 Vice President

Imelda Simos-Valdez
Vice President
Student Services

Erik Shearer
Vice President


Spring 2025 President's Convocation

January 22, 2025 - President Virginia L. Guleff. View spring 2025 convocation video.

Spring 2024 President's Convocation

January 17, 2024 - President Virginia L. Guleff.  View video.

Fall 2023 President's Convocation

August 16, 2023 - President Virginia L. Guleff.  View video.

Spring 2023 Institute Day Presentation

January 18, 2023 - President Virginia L. Guleff.  View video.

Fall 2022 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 17, 2022, President Guleff welcomed staff and faculty to the new semester at an in-person event that was also live streamed. The theme of the address, "Return to Process," reflects the college's focus for the 22-23 academic year as the college revisits its guiding documents, increases participation through the participatory governance structure and charts a sustainable course for the future.  The president's Institute Day Address is available for viewing.

Spring 2022 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, Dr. Yaqub welcomed staff and faculty into the new semester. Due to the Omicron variant, this Institute Day President's Program was held via Zoom.

The President's program continued with a keynote from Dr. Gina Garcia: Ripple Effects: Transforming Hispanic Serving Institutions. Dr. Garcia discussed various aspects of what a campus must address for long-term change. Institute Day concluded with a Faculty breakout session also presented by Dr. Garcia, Developing Social Justice Curriculum in Hispanic Serving Institutions

*Recording from the Keynote and Faculty Breakout Session with Dr. Garcia was not recorded.

Fall 2021 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, Dr. Yaqub welcomed new IDEA Officer, Tray Robinson and welcomed all employees back to campus.  This was the first in-person Institute Day President's Program since Spring 2020 and it was also was streamed live. The presentation included information accreditation, an instruction update, strategic partnership for student success, and a budget and facilities update.

Spring 2021 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, Dr. Yaqub welcomed new Vice President of Student Services, Dr. Peter Gitau and announced the 2021 Golden Awards to three outstanding faculty, during the beginning of the President's Program. The Presidents program continued with a two hour interactive keynote from Dr. Sumun Pendakur: Ripple Effects: Faculty Transforming their spheres of Influence. Highlights and takeaways from this keynote can be found on this Keynote presentation guide. Institute Day concluded with a Faculty Breakout Session: It's about Respect: Pronouncing New-to-Us Names. Highlights and takeaways from this session can be found on this Session Reference Guide.

*Recording from the Interactive Keynote with Dr. Pendakur and the Faculty Breakout Session were not recorded.

Fall 2020 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 19, 2020, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Fall 2020 Institute Day presentation, along with VP of instruction Virginia Guleff, VP of Institutional Effectiveness, VP of Administration Andy Suleski, and Dean of Student Services Brad Zuniga. The presentation included information on current and future events, Guided Pathways, Enrollment Management, Planning & Budget, Accreditation, and COVID-19 updates.

Spring 2020 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, January 22, 2020, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Spring 2020 Institute Day presentation. The presentation included information on the DEI Position, the Title V grant, a Facilities and PSPS update.  The presentation ended with guest speaker Alyssa Nguyen, Director of Research and Evaluation for the Research and Planning Group.

Fall 2019 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 21, 2019, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Fall 2019 Institute Day presentation.  The presentation included information on campus undertakings and an update on Matt Jackson's report about diversity, inclusion, and equity on campus. The presentation also included information from Virginia Guleff VP of instruction discussing instructional goals and from newest executive team member Greg Stoup VP of Institutional Effectiveness.  The presentation concluded with guest speaker, stand-up comedian and disability activist, Nina G.

Spring 2019 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, January 16, 2019, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Spring 2019 Institute Day presentation.  The presentation included information on how Butte College responded to the Camp Fire and updates on measure J projects and the Promise Program. 

Fall 2018 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 15, 2018, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Institute Day presentation included a facilities update, information on the new Roadrunner Hub and Queer Resource Center as well as the plan for the upcoming semester and the future. 

Fall 2018 PowerPoint presentation

Spring 2018 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, January 17, 2018, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Spring 2018 Institute Day presentation.  The presentation featured guest speaker James Gray's discussion on the Equity Scorecard Project.

Spring 2018 PowerPoint presentation

Fall 2017 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 16, 2017, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Fall 2017 Institute Day presentation.  The presentation featured information on Butte's 50th Anniversary, College Challenges, and our 1-3-5 Year Plan. The presentation finished with guest faculty speakers: From Student to Faculty.  

Spring 2017 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, January 19, 2017, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Spring 2017 Institute Day presentation.  The presentation featured information on the Measure J Bond, Open Educational Resources, AB 540 Students, an introduction to Virginia Guleff, the new Vice President of Student Learning, and the presentation of this year's Golden Awards.

Fall 2016 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 17, 2016, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Fall 2016 Institute Day presentation. The presentation included an update on the accreditation, Early Alert Program, Online Course Development, Strong Workforce Program, Guided Pathways, and a student panel.

Spring 2016 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, January 20, 2016, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her Spring 2016 Institute Day presentation.  During Dr. Yaqub's remarks, three of Butte College's esteemed faculty and staff provided presentations about exciting projects in student equity, high school partnerships, and student success in ESL.  

Following Dr. Yaqub's presentation, faculty and staff were invited to discuss Student Success Initiatives and related breakout sessions in ARTS 160.  

Fall 2015 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 19, 2015, Dr. Yaqub provided information to the campus community during her first Institute Day as the Interim Superintendent/President!  The Fall 2015 Institute Day Presentation had Dr. Yaqub's welcoming remarks and was followed by Giovanna Vera (Administrative Assistant-President's Office) who gave an inspirational speech about her experiences and how the Diversity Committee members have impacted her as a student attending Butte College.

The guest speaker for this year's Institute Day was Dr. Darrick Smith, Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership at the University of San Francisco.  Dr. Smith's presentation, entitled "Thinking About Equity" focused on issues of student equity and educational reform. 

Fall 2014 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 20, 2014, Dr. Perry gave a presentation to the faculty and staff of Butte College at the Fall 2014 Institute Day.  Dr. Perry took this opportunity to share information with the campus about the past year at Butte College and how the campus will continue to move forward on our journey from excellent to exceptional! 

As part of the presentation, Dr. Perry included student testimonials, as well as a highlight from one of our recent distinguished alumni, Mary Mooney.

Fall 2014 PowerPoint presentation.

Spring 2014 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014, Dr. Perry and the Leadership Team hosted a special guest presenter for Institute Day.  Dr. Terry O'Banion provided valuable insight during his presentation entitled The Completion Agenda. 

Fall 2013 Institute Day Presentation

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, the Leadership Team conducted the Fall 2013 Institute Day presentation for Classified and MSC staff in the morning, and for faculty in the afternoon.

At the conclusion of each presentation, those in attendance were treated to a reading of "A Poet-Teacher's Minifesto," authored by Butte College's own Amy Antongiovanni, a faculty member from the English department. 

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